Rest, Recovery, and Exercise Addiction

We have a new podcast episode out: Rest, Recovery, and Exercise Addiction

Paul and Howard talk about rest, recovery, and exercise addiction. We range across its causes, diagnosing it, and its consequences. There is a Fairly Crap Transcript™ here, as well as—drum roll!—a tool we created to help you assess how fatigued you are from your exercise program.

  • What is exercise addiction? Who has it?
  • How do I know if I'm fatigued?
  • What is rest anyway?
  • How is rest different from recovery, if at all?
Paul Kedrosky is a frequently injured athlete who, when he isn't rehabbing, is also a venture investor. Howard Luks is a top sports orthopedic surgeon.

Music & Disclaimers:
  • Crossing the Chasm by Kevin MacLeod
  • Marty Gots A Plan by Kevin MacLeod
Disclaimers apply and can be heard at the end of the episode.

This is only an excerpt. To listen to the entire episode, as well as see show notes and full transcripts, subscribe at
Rest, Recovery, and Exercise Addiction
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