The Role of Lifelong Exercise in Aging: A Conversation with Scott Trappe

The Role of Lifelong Exercise in Aging: A Conversation with Scott Trappe (Free preview)

In this free preview of a longer premium discussion, Scott Trappe, a professor at the Human Performance Laboratory at Ball State University, explains the impact of exercise on improving the quality of life, particularly for the aging population. Scott highlights the research conducted at the laboratory including muscle biopsy studies and comparisons between lifelong athletes and non-exercisers across different ages. He shows that continuous and consistent exercise can better preserve VO2 max, lung function, and muscular capabilities. Furthermore, Scott shares empirical evidence showing that even individuals who begin exercising later in life can reap significant benefits.

00:00 Introduction and Importance of Exercise
00:20 Introduction to the Human Performance Laboratory
00:53 The Aging Runners Study
01:52 The Octogenarian Athlete Study
02:16 Understanding Muscle Fiber Types
04:40 The Impact of Lifelong Exercise
05:17 The Importance of VO2 Max in Aging
07:02 The Role of Exercise in Aging
08:05 The Benefits of Exercise Regardless of Athletic Ability
09:56 The Impact of Structured Exercise Programs
10:02 Understanding Exercise Non-Responders
10:40 The Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Study

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The Role of Lifelong Exercise in Aging: A Conversation with Scott Trappe
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